Sunday, February 1, 2009

I've got no blog to blog...

Today, I haven' much to say that I would make so public. But for you, my adoring fan, I thought I should at least poke my head in and say something.
I was out at a friend's party last night, and what a wonderful time it was. My host, quite inebriated, began waxing philosophic on change. We all change, and there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes we grow together, other times we grow apart. But the mistake that you should not make, which is commonly made, he said, is to view who you were before the change as a bad or immature thing. You were just different.
Now, that is paraphrased, of course, I was not, between shrimp and white wine, jotting down notes in a steno...
But an interesting thought, nonetheless, and one that I feel we should all come to terms with sooner or later.
I have changed quite a bit in the past few years, and I never cease to amaze myself. I constantly disappoint myself also, but I try to overlook all that.
So, there it is, I have written down someone else's thoughts for the day, and hopefully you will find them inspiring.
~Katie May

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