Thursday, May 1, 2008

Guess I have been slacking...

Sorry to any readers that I might actually have, I seem to have been slacking on my postings here. School has been pretty intense this semester, so... anyway. It has been a lot of fun for the most part though. This semester I took Effective Speaking, and though it was nerve racking, I really enjoyed learning so much from my classmates. I also took Bioethics, and got a chance to examine my own views on these issues. You see, living in Vermont, I find that a lot of the time my views are more corroborated than challenged. It was a great chance to have my views challenged by people who actually have taken time to consider their position, and have rational, intelligent supports for their views. So that was really a lot of fun.
Saturday is Green Up Day here in Vermont, everyone get out your trashbags and go out and clean up your yards and roadsides and parks. We love to keep it green and clean here in Vermont, if only all states would follow suit with this holiday. Then again, other states don't have as many breweries supporting cleaning up the garbage! Thank you Otter Creek!
Well, that is about all I have to say about that.
Talk to you later.

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