Saturday, January 17, 2009

On Life

I was having a thought the other day about a particular style of writing in which you cover the majority of the span of a persons life by focusing in on very important moments, and kind of summarizing the in between parts. I was thinking to myself, why is it that our lives can't actually go by like this. Then I remembered that for the most part they do.
Think back over your life, what do you remember? Do you remember that you took a bath instead of a shower on June 2 1992? Probably not, don't ask me how I know.
More likely you remember the important parts, your first kiss, a great date, your first day at a new school, when you aced that science project on which you had worked so hard...
But in the meantime, we still have to live the everyday time, most of which we generally spend looking forward to the moments we anticipate remembering. Most of them we forget.
I recently found an old diary from when I was about fourteen/fifteen years old. Need I say more? But I will. I found in those pages the undue sense of drama characteristic of early adolescence. Everything was a big deal. He smiled at me, I know it means true love. Ha! Take that teenage self.
And what will I think of myself in another decade when I look back on my twenties? Will I admire my courage, facing life for the first time? Will I denounce my optimism as naivety? Will I grow nostalgic for the simpler time that I can only assume this will seem to have been? Will I mock my open heart, my frivolity, my presumed adulthood? Time will tell.
For now, I look impatiently forward to the next memorable moment of my life.
Katie May

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's my generation...

What's with kids these days, huh? Don't they understand that the world is a scary place. People I know just meet each other and trust each other for no reason. How many people have I known to just go home, or worse, camping with a complete stranger? Sure, nothing bad has happened to any of them... yet.
But what is the world coming to when people just meet over the internet on places like and craigslist and they just trust one another. How naive can you be to just let some stranger come and stay at your house? Or to go and stay at the house of someone you have only met online? I mean, sure there are ratings, blogs from people who know them and have stayed with them before, and sure the worst thing to happen so far off of couchsurfing was a money scheme, that was mostly due to stupidity on the part of the host who got took, but still.
Kids these days just put it all out there. Pictures, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, what town they live in, where they work...
With all that goes on in the world, wars and terrorism and kidnappings and killings, with all of that, how can these kids be so foolish.
What kind of world are we living in where trust and kindness are freely given? What kind of world is this that kids value life experiences and meeting new people over the slight chance that one of these days, they might meet a crazy person and never be found?

People buy and sell stuff from strangers thousands of miles away. People form relationships with people they have never met, and then agree to actually meet them in person. People publish content that was once locked away in a diary on blogs for the world to see. Where did all the trust come from?

That's my generation.
Katie May

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Well, this proves it...

Your result for The Ultimate TRUE IRISH Test...

Finn MacCool

You scored 91 Common Sense, 69 Irish Facts, and 90 Irish Soul!

I am honored to be in your presence. You know your stuff. You are Irish in your heart. You probably talk like an Irish person after a few pints. You sing the rebel songs. You drink, and probably bleed Guinness. You may have even been interned in British Prisions. You impress (or annoy) all your friends with your vast Irish knowledge. If you are a female, I am in love. If you are a male, we are brothers. We should have a pint.

Please don't forget to rate my test...

Take The Ultimate TRUE IRISH Test
at HelloQuizzy