Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Childhood Rhymes

Six, Eight, Nine,
The goose drank wine
The monkey chewed Tobacco
On the Street Car Line

The Line Broke
The monkey got choked
And they all went to Heaven
In a Little Row Boat

Quack Quack!

Recently I was thinking of that rhyme that I learned as Bobo- Shi Otten Totten. But the site that I found listing it had the words all wrong. They had it as Bobo Ski Wotten Totten.

Bobo Shi Otten Totten
Uh-uh, I ain't no fool!
Itty bitty Otten Totten
Bobo Shi Otten Totten
Bobo Shi Otten Totten

But they had

Bo-bo ski watten totten,
Ah-ah-ah, boom boom boom
Itty bitty wotten totten
Bo bo ski watten tatten
Bo bo ski wotten tatten-BOOM. (Thanks to Azlyn)

Which is correct? Does it matter? Anyhow.
So, I thought I would blog about it!! Ha-ha.

"I like your verbs that are things. I think I'm gonna sandwich after I sofa here for a bit."

Yeah, that's from some commercial, I think it's funny.

Well, boring post, this is goodbye.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So, this is what is going on

So, here I am at work. I have signed up for my fall classes, which will be Child Development, Comparative Religion, and Anatomy and Physiology. It is going to be a lot of work, but hopefully also a lot of fun.
E and I just got an apartment together, yay, it is so cute, and I can't wait to get it all decorated up. It's going to be so much fun!
Ok, well I have to go, but stay tuned, I have a few stories to share with you that I wrote for creative writing.